July 2021

Are your home’s appliances breaking down?

Are your home’s appliances breaking down?    Most appliances last quite a while, but still… time takes its toll.  And eventually, even refrigerators, ovens, washers and dryers, air conditioners, and heating elements need to be replaced.  Unfortunately, appliances aren’t cheap.  To replace all appliances in your home, you’d be looking at well over $10,000. Even just

Are your home’s appliances breaking down? Read More »

Should you rent to own?

HOMEOWNERS: wondering if it’s a good idea to do a rent-to-own arrangement with your buyers?   While there are some benefits to rent-to-own — such as having a bigger pool of buyers, earning rental income, and selling for a higher price-point — there are also some little-known pitfalls.  At INW Properties, we’ve been working in real

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